dinsdag 6 maart 2012

Chain letters HATE!

Yes, chain letters are soooo annoying! Every day, there is a chance that you will receive a chain letter in your mailbox, again!! Why are people keep sending those letters?! Stop it, please!
The chain letters that you will receive in your mailbox are mostly about some glaring injustice in the world or a serious warning in life. Sometimes with threats; ‘If you will not send this mail forward, something bad will happen to you, such as an accident or losing your email account. Another argument for sending the letters forward will be to break a world record. You do not want that this will never happened by your negligence. So people keep sending the letters, because who knows.. maybe this will work out!
Chain letters calling for forwarding to happiness, to reduce poverty, raise some money or to indicate you’re friends network. However, it would be great when this really works out.. but, come on, be honest to yourself! You never died by not sending a chain letter forward. There is a little chance that a serious accident happened to you when you decided to not send the chain letter forward.
Our conclusion; stop it! It is really annoying and not necessary.

However, our blog should give you the bright side of the irritations. And yes, we have some for you about chain letters!
1.    When you receive a chain letter for all the great, elegance and beautiful people – you should be flattered.
2.    It is amusing that there are still naïve people in this world – how sweet!
3.    Maybe there is a little chance that you will save a someone’s life or win a great price..
4.    There are forums to express your frustration about chain letters. How great, you can complain, express your frustrations/irritations about annoying things like chain letters – and it is accepted! http://forum.fok.nl/topic/1382062
6.    For those who loves chain letters – Maybe you will also like this movie:

We hope that we gave you some tips to enjoy the bright side of chain letters!

Hope to see you next week!

With love,
Fleur and Irene.

PS. Do not send us any chain letter, ever again.. Thanks in advance :) 

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